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[美劇NCIS]Gibbs' Rules

照片來源: 公視影級粉絲團

照片來源: CBS官網
照片來源: CBS官網

NCIS 是我很喜歡的一部美國連續劇,主要講述美國海軍罪犯調查處所處理的案件以及發生在每個角色的背景故事,是部很吸引人的犯罪心理戲劇,目前已播放到第九季,喜歡美劇的人不容錯過喔!
劇中的靈魂人物就是隊長Gibbs,隊員們都稱他為Boss,Gibbs再帶領他的隊員們時有一套他的規則稱做Gibbs' Rules是所有的隊員們必須謹記在心,不只是對於案件處理,這些規則都具有它的存在意義,也成為隊員們生活的參考。以下就列出Gibbs' Rules給大家參考看看囉! (來源是維基百科)

編號      英文原文中文翻譯首次出現集數
#1Never let suspects stay together.不要讓嫌疑犯待在一起S01E01
#1Never screw over your partner.絕對不要在背後捅你的夥伴一刀S04E14
#2Always wear gloves at a crime scene.在犯罪現場永遠要戴手套S01E01
#3Don't believe what you're told. Double-check.不要輕信別人告訴你的話.要加以查證S01E01
#3Never be unreachable永遠不要讓別人聯絡不到你S03E13
#4If you have a secret, the best thing is to keep it to yourself. The second-best is to tell one other person if you must. There is no third best.如果你有個祕密,保守它的最好辦法?藏在自己心裡。第二好的辦法?告訴一個你必須告知的人,沒有第三好的了S04E14
#5Don't waste good.別錯過人才S08E22
#6Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness.絕對不要道歉,那是軟弱的象徵S07E12
#7Always be specific when you lie.說謊時要具體一點S01E23
#8Never take anything for granted.不要認為事情是理所當然的S03E10
#8Never asume.不要隨意假設S09E21
#9Never go anywhere without a knife.不管去哪裡都要帶刀S01E13
#10Never get personally involved in a case.辦案的時候切忌參雜個人感情S07E21
#11When the job is done, walk away.當工作結束後,走開S06E24
#12Never date a coworker.絕對不要跟同事約會S01E15
#13Never, ever involve lawyers.絕對不要牽涉到律師S06E07
#15Always work as a team.永遠要記得團隊合作S05E05
#16If someone thinks they have the upper hand,break it.如果有人自認高人一籌,打破他這種感覺S08E24
#18It's better to ask forgiveness than ask permission.先斬後奏更有效率S03E04
#22Never, ever interrupt Gibbs in interrogation.絕對不要打擾吉布斯偵訊S04E10
#23Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.如果你還想活的話,絕對不要打翻海軍的咖啡S02E09
#27There are two ways to follow someone. 1st way - they never notice you;2nd way - they only notice you.有兩種跟蹤方法。第一種 - 不要讓目標注意你;第二種 - 讓他只注意到你S07E15
#35Always watch the watchers.始終觀察觀察者S08E22
#36If you feel like you're being played, you probably are.如果你覺得自己被耍了,你很可能就是S09E01
#38Your case, your lead.你的案子,你主導S06E16
#39There is no such thing as coincidence.沒有任何事情是有巧合的S07E21
#40If it seems like someone's out to get you, they are.如果有人看起來想要害你,那他就是S07E22
#42Don't ever accept an apology from someone that just sucker-punched you.永遠不要接受來自剛耍過你的人的道歉。S09E16
#44First things first, hide the women and children.事情有輕重緩急,先把婦孺藏起來S07E23
#45Clean up your messes.收拾好自己的爛攤子S07E24
#51Sometimes - you're wrong.有時候...你是錯的S07E24
#69Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man.絕不信任不相信自己男人的女人S09E07


